A primeira igreja cristã começou com quase 120 pessoas em Jerusalém, que por obediência ao Senhor Jesus, que disse que ficassem em Jerusalém até que do alto recebessem poder.
Essa promessa se cumpriu no dia de Pentecostes, onde todos receberam a promessa do Pai. Pessoas de várias nações foram testemunhas do derramamento do Espírito Santo sobre os servos e servas do Senhor.
A primeira igreja era composta pelos apóstolos, por Maria, a mãe de Jesus e seus irmãos, e por vários outros, que cumpriram o ide de Jesus.
Jesus deixou sobre a responsabilidade dos Apóstolos ensinar tudo o que tinha ensinado, e isso foi obedecido pelos servos do Senhor.
Com o passar do tempo, devido os problemas surgidos tanto internamente com as heresias, e externamente com as perseguições, houve divisões no meio da igreja, e muitos dos ensinamentos dos apóstolos foram deixados de lado, e foram acrescentando várias novas ideias.
As primeiras igrejas foram a de Jerusalém, Antioquia, Alexandria, Roma.
Segundo os anabatistas, as primeiras heresias surgidas foram o ensinamento do batismo como meio de salvação e a monarquia dos bispos, e esses ensinamentos não foram aceitos por algumas igrejas, quando aconteceu a primeira divisão no meio da igreja por volta do ano 225dC até 253dC. Muitas outras heresias foram sendo acrescentadas no decorrer do tempo.
Quando o Imperador Constantino concedeu liberdade de culto aos cristãos, as igrejas que ensinavam a salvação pelo batismo e monarquia dos bispos uniram ao Imperador, enquanto as igrejas que eram contra tais ensinamentos não aceitaram a união da igreja com o Estado, e essas igrejas passaram a ser perseguidas como heréticas, pois rebatizavam os membros que viam das igrejas que para eles estavam desobedecendo a palavra do Senhor.
Essas igrejas que foram perseguidas pelas consideradas oficiais ou seja, as que se uniram ao Imperador Constantino, foram cruelmente massacradas no decorrer dos séculos, porém nunca foram totalmente destruídas, exemplo disso são os Batistas que anteriormente eram chamados de anabatistas. Segundo declarações de católicos e protestantes, os Batistas tem sua orígem no tempo de Tertuliano (segundo declaração protestante), e segundo declaração do presidente de um concílio católico que durou de 1545 até 1563), ele declarou em 1554, que os Batistas foram perseguidos por cerca de 1200 anos, o que nos dá a entender que começaram a ser perseguidos por volta do ano 345dC, se contarmos a partir do ano de 1545, aqui está do ano do início da perseguição e não do ano de orígem dos Batistas.
O que sabemos hoje a respeito do que nos é contado sobre a História da igreja nos livros eclesiasticos é segundo a visão das igrejas que passaram a ser consideradas oficiais pela união com o Imperador Constantino, porém não devemos ignorar que existem os remanescentes das igrejas perseguidas pelas oficiais e que através desses remanescentes podemos saber do outro lado da História, lembrando sempre que ninguém é dono da verdade, mas conhecendo um pouco da História dos remanescentes poderemos analisar mais sobre a tão sublime História da igreja, que foi fundada por Jesus Cristo e que até hoje continua sendo benção para aqueles que se refugiam em seu fundador, Jesus Cristo, que é a cabeça da Igreja.
Fonte: Site Palavra Prudente
Texto redigido por Edilberto Pereira - Bacharel em Teologia.
بدأت أول كنيسة مسيحية مع ما يقرب من 120 شخصا في القدس، والتي في طاعة لأمر الرب يسوع، الذي قال للبقاء في القدس حتى قوة عالية تتلقاها.
وكان هذا الوعد في يوم العنصرة، حيث تلقى الجميع وعد الآب، والناس من مختلف الدول كانت تتدفق من الشهود من الروح القدس على الخدم وإماء الرب.
وجاء أول كنيسة الرسل، من خلال مريم، والدة يسوع وإخوته، وعدة أشخاص آخرين الذين أتموا بيئة تطوير متكاملة من يسوع.
غادر يسوع على عاتق الرسل تعليم كل ما قد علمت، ويطاع من قبل خدام الرب.
مع مرور الوقت، نظرا للمشاكل الناشئة على حد سواء داخليا مع البدع، وخارجيا مع الاضطهاد، كانت هناك انقسامات في وسط الكنيسة، والعديد من تعاليم الرسل وضعت جانبا، وتم إضافة العديد من الأفكار الجديدة.
وكانت أولى الكنائس في القدس، أنطاكية والإسكندرية وروما.
وفقا لقائلون بتجديد عماد، وكانت البدع الناشئة الأولى تدريس المعمودية كوسيلة للخلاص والنظام الملكي من الأساقفة، ولم تقبل هذه الدروس من قبل بعض الكنائس، وعندما حدث دوري الدرجة الاولى في منتصف الكنيسة في حوالي العام 225dC إلى 253dC. تم إضافة العديد من البدع الأخرى يجري في مجرى الزمن.
عندما منح الإمبراطور قسطنطين حرية العبادة للمسيحيين، انضمت الكنائس التي تدرس الخلاص بالمعمودية والنظام الملكي من الأساقفة الإمبراطور، في حين أن الكنائس التي كانت ضد هذه التعاليم لم يقبل الاتحاد بين الكنيسة والدولة، وهذه الكنائس الآن يتم اضطهادهم أثناء هرطقة لأن أعضاء رببتيزد الذين رأوا في الكنائس التي كانت لعصيان كلمة الرب.
تعتبر هذه الكنائس واضطهاد من قبل المسؤول وهذا هو، الذي انضم إلى الإمبراطور قسطنطين ذبحوا بوحشية على مر القرون، ولكن لم دمرت تماما، مثال على ذلك هو المعمدانيين الذين تم استدعاؤهم سابقا قائلون بتجديد عماد. وفقا لبيانات من الكاثوليك والبروتستانت، المعمدانيين يكون مصدرها في وقت ترتليان (بيان البروتستانتية الثاني)، وفقا لبيان صادر عن رئيس مجلس الكاثوليكية التي استمرت من 1545 حتى 1563)، وأعلن في 1554 أن المعمدانيين كانوا مضطهدين من قبل حوالي 1200 سنة، والذي يعطي لنا أن نفهم أن بدأ أن يكون طاردت حوالي العام 345dC، إذا كنت تعول من عام 1545، وهنا هو عام بداية من الاضطهاد ويست السنة المنشأ من المعمدانيين.
ما نعرفه الآن حول ما قيل لنا عن تاريخ الكنيسة في كتب الكنيسة وفقا لرؤية الكنائس التي تعتبر الآن مسؤول من قبل الاتحاد مع الإمبراطور قسطنطين، ولكن لا ينبغي لنا أن نتجاهل أن هناك بقايا الكنائس اضطهاد من قبل ضباط وذلك من خلال هذه البقايا نعرف الجانب الآخر من التاريخ، وتذكر دائما أن لا أحد يمتلك الحقيقة، ولكن معرفة بعض من تاريخ المتبقية يمكن تحليل المزيد عن قصة سامية من الكنيسة التي أسسها يسوع المسيح و حتى يومنا هذا لا يزال يمثل نعمة لأولئك الذين اللجوء إلى مؤسسها، يسوع المسيح، الذي هو رأس الكنيسة.
مصدر: كلمة برودينتي
نص كتبه اديلبرتو بيريرا - بكالوريوس في علم اللاهوت.
The first Christian church began with almost 120 people in Jerusalem, who by obedience to the Lord Jesus, who told them to stay in Jerusalem until they received power from above.
This promise was fulfilled on the day of Pentecost, where all received the promise of the Father. People of various nations were witnesses of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon the servants and handmaids of the Lord.
The first church was composed of the apostles, by Mary, the mother of Jesus and his brothers, and by several others, who fulfilled the idea of Jesus.
Jesus left it on the responsibility of the Apostles to teach all that he had taught, and this was obeyed by the servants of the Lord.
Over time, due to the problems that arose both internally with heresies and externally with the persecutions, there were divisions in the midst of the church, and many of the apostles' teachings were set aside, and several new ideas were added.
The first churches were those of Jerusalem, Antioch, Alexandria, Rome.
According to the Anabaptists, the first heresies were the teaching of baptism as a means of salvation and the monarchy of the bishops, and these teachings were not accepted by some churches when the first division took place in the middle of the church around AD 225 to AD 253. Many other heresies have been added over time.
When Emperor Constantine granted freedom of worship to Christians, churches that taught salvation by baptism and monarchy of bishops united the Emperor, while churches that were against such teachings did not accept the union of the church with the state, and these churches became To be persecuted as heretical, for they renamed the members who saw of the churches who were disobeying the word of the Lord to them.
These churches, which were persecuted by those considered official, that is, those who joined the Emperor Constantine, were cruelly slaughtered in the course of the centuries, but they were never totally destroyed, for example the Baptists who were formerly called Anabaptists. According to statements by Catholics and Protestants, Baptists have their origins in the time of Tertullian (according to a Protestant statement), and a statement by the president of a Catholic council that lasted from 1545 to 1563), he stated in 1554 that the Baptists were persecuted by About 1200 years, which gives us to understand that they began to be persecuted around the year 345dC, if we count from the year 1545, here is the year of the beginning of the persecution and not the year of Baptism.
What we know today about what we are told about the Church's history in ecclesiastical books is according to the view of the churches that came to be considered official by the union with the Emperor Constantine, but we must not ignore that there are the remnants of the churches persecuted by the We can know from the other side of history, always remembering that no one owns the truth, but knowing a little of the History of the remnants we can analyze more about the so sublime History of the church, that was founded by Jesus Christ and that Until today it continues to be a blessing for those who take refuge in its founder, Jesus Christ, who is the head of the Church.
Source: Prudente Word Site
Text written by Edilberto Pereira - Bachelor in Theology.